Happy belated World Teachers’ Day! Thank you for the late night science supply runs, early morning impromptu tutoring sessions, and difficult phone calls to parents. You rock!

Image: Photos taken by students during lab analysis of backyard water samples
Students from Lone Hill Middle School, Clifton Middle School, Sierra Madre Middle School, San Jose Charter Academy, and CIS Academy have submitted their water samples as part of our citizen science program Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D.. Check out the water analysis photo and video results here!

With tornadoes, storms, wildfires, and floods all over the news, students are asking questions. Here are some resources to help guide learning.
Climate Change Map
Use a map to understand what cities will feel like in 2080. The map matches the expected future climate in each city with the current climate of another location to give us a better picture of what we’ll experience in the future.
Connecting students to the land
The Bureau of Land Management provides lesson plans, professional development, and resources for teachers! Lessons range from native plants to climate change to citizens’ impacts on land use decisions. Check out their resources here.
8 Ways To Teach Climate Change In Almost Any Classroom
Ideas for teachers teaching climate change at any subject or grade level. And check out the awesome resources linked at the end of the article, too!