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Public Health Teachers of the Year 

named for hands-on, remote learning using enhanced science curriculum

Headshots of Danny Woo (left), Geri Varela (center), and Giselle Arguello (right)

Public Health Teachers of the Year. (left to right) Danny Woo of San Jose Charter Academy; Geri Varela of Cherrylee Elementary School; and Giselle Argüello of San Jose Charter Academy

  • Three teachers in San Gabriel Valley schools received the distinct recognition

  • Recognized educators used citizen science or enhanced science curriculum to develop students’ scientific thinking

  • Mosquito G.R.I.D., a citizen science project by region’s mosquito control agency, was a key resource


The San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District’s EcoHealth Vector Education program named three teachers as this past year’s Public Health Teachers of the Year:


Giselle Argüello, San Jose Charter Academy


Geri Varela, Cherrylee Elementary


Danny Woo, San Jose Charter Academy


The teachers participated in the citizen science project Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D. (Growth Reduction and Increased Detection) or brought the standards-focused EcoHealth programs into the virtual classroom.



Mosquito G.R.I.D. engages students with natural phenomena and promotes the development of scientific thinking.

-Giselle Argüello, San Jose Charter Academy Teacher

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