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Vector Inspector Program (V.I.P.)
Saving lives through community science

RSVP your class for Fall 2025

In response to the discovery of invasive Aedes mosquitoes, the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District created the Vector Inspector Program (V.I.P.). 


This community science program mobilizes students in the San Gabriel Valley to aid us in the battle against mosquitoes and the dangerous viruses they can transmit. V.I.P. is meant to decrease the number of mosquitoes in the area, making the community safer from mosquito-borne disease. We encourage parents to protect their children from mosquito bites by wearing repellent and/or wearing long sleeves and pants whenever mosquitoes are around.

Translated Materials for Students & Parents

Program Overview for Teachers:

  1. Teacher signs up and selects a cohort.

  2. Booking is confirmed. Presentation details are confirmed.

  3. If in-class presentation is selected, education specialists come into the classroom for a 45 minute presentation on a Wednesday or Thursday

  4. Students collect stagnant water samples that weekend from their properties and return their samples the following Monday.

  5. Education specialists pick up the water samples.

  6. Education specialists analyze student water samples and results are shared with students via Padlet the following week.


*Education specialists will get in contact with the teacher's school district to establish a Contract and Certificate of Insurance once the teacher has signed up for the program.

Student Discoveries

Recommended for kindergarten through sixth grade. 


Who can host a V.I.P. program?

Residents, schools, clubs, youth groups, or other interested parties living or operating within the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District's service area.

Two students looking at their water sample cups
  • Invasive Aedes mosquito biology

  • Use tools to conduct inspections around their own homes

  • Identify potential mosquito habitats

  • Collect water samples that may be harboring the aquatic life stages of mosquitoes


Water samples are submitted for analysis and participants are provided with their results!

Illustration of a boy with pipette and water sample in hand
  • When conducting property inspections, all participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult!

  • Each survey site must be a single address or location. We strongly recommend participants survey their own property unless they have the express permission of another property owner.

  • Sample pick-ups: A minimum of 15 properties surveyed is required. Less than 15 samples will require drop offs at SGVMVCD district headquarters at 1145 N. Azusa Canyon Road, West Covina, CA 91790.

The privacy of our participants is very important to us. All of the information gathered in this program is used for the sole purpose of managing mosquito populations and reducing mosquito-borne diseases. Names, addresses and sample results are collected for statistical purposes only and not shared with any other agency or organization. Incomplete surveys will be accepted but will be significantly less helpful to achieving the objectives of the program. Participation in this program will not directly result in any type of property visit or inspection without permission from the resident.  However, standard property inspections, surveillance and disease investigations take place on a regular basis and participants may have future interaction with our agency in an unrelated way. 


Only with important partnerships between our agency and individuals, community groups, organizations, and schools can we keep our neighborhoods safe and healthy!

©2025 by EcoHealth Vector Education

A program of the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District | Office: 626-814-9466 | Fax: 626-337-5686 

1145 N. Azusa Canyon Road, West Covina, CA 91790

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