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We hope you enjoyed your well-deserved break. This month, we are excited to announce our 2021 Public Health Teacher of the Year, Gina Ayala from Clifton Middle School in Monrovia!

After her students participated in Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D. 2021, Mrs. Ayala stated, “It is extremely important that students are involved in community science because it gives them first hand, real world experience with the actual application of science skills such as observation, data gathering and analysis. Being able to see all the photos submitted from other students made them realize that they ARE a part of a community of scientists.”
Thank you, Mrs. Ayala, for encouraging your students to support our public health efforts and taking steps to wipe mosquitoes off the grid! You rock!

Educator Spotlight: January 27 at 11am
This month we discuss 21st century science education– are we ready? We’ll explore the nexus between public health and S.T.E.A.M. with educators, live! View the tour lineup here.
Have a question? We’ll answer it live during the “Educator Spotlight: 21st Century Science Education”

Come back better in 2022
Edutopia summarized 10 of the most significant educational studies from 2021. Catch up on the latest here.

New year, new expert?
Wish you had a biologist, epidemiologist, or zoologist to discuss a particular topic? Thousands of scientists from around the globe are ready to connect with your students. Explore your options here.